Christmas Moth Surprise!

Dear All – I was lucky to spend xmas with my parents in the forest. As I walked back from a small chapel at the edge of the rainforest in Western Kenya after a Christmas carol service, I noticed something large flapping about in the bushes by the path… At first it looked like a bat, but on taking a closer look…

It turned out to be this spectacular African White-ringed Atlas Moth…

African White-Ringed Atlas Moth
African White-Ringed Atlas Moth

This picture gives you a sense of the size. Many thanks to all for comments, and more from the world of bugs soon!

Have a fabulous dudu xmas!
Have a fabulous dudu xmas!

6 thoughts on “Christmas Moth Surprise!”

  1. Fabulous photos, Dino!
    In October some years ago we saw this moth in Kakamega Forest. It was fluttering on the ground, and at first sight the wing edges looked like two small snakes.
    What is the scientific name?
    Wishing you a bright 2011, Fleur

    • Hi Fleur, Thanks for your comments and glad that you like the photos. The moth’s scientific name is Epiphora mythimnia – mostly feeds on Croton sylvaticus at Kakamega Forest… Yes, the snake ‘eye’ pattern on the wing tips is striking. Sadly these moths don’t live long as adults – a couple of nights at most before they lays eggs. Best wishes, Dino.

  2. I would like to borrow the pattern for my next weaving project, thanks for the inspiration. Does she (or he) need a runway to take off?


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