Pollinators Handbook

Handbook coverHANDBOOK: Our Friends the Pollinators
A Handbook of Pollinator Diversity and Conservation in East Africa
ISBN: 9966-761-22-5
We offer the handbook in electronic copy (see link below). The handbook is also available on the books page: here.

Pollinator-Handbook-Martins-April-2014.pdf (10608 downloads)

Every day people are connected to nature by those activities of pollinators that contribute to producing food.   The goal of this book, Our Friends the Pollinators, is to inspire excitement about pollinators, and make the link with food, and people’s livelihoods.  This book also aims to create awareness, provide practical information on the diversity of pollinators in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi), and introduce you to a few of them.

The relationships between insects and flowers are ancient, intricate, and fragile.  Working with pollinators helps us to glimpse, and understand some of the most wonderfully beautiful, and complex interactions on the planet.

We expect that the learning shared in this book will help to shape a strong grassroots movement that works for the protection of habitats, better farming practices, and the restoring of pollination services. We hope that our sense of wonder at pollinators, and their interaction with flowers, will pass to future generations through this book.
