Flowers produce seeds and fruits. Seeds and fruits are produced when a flower is pollinated. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of a flower. As plants can’t move around, they rely on other creatures to carry their pollen for them. Pollinators transport pollen between different flowers and make sure that flowers produce seeds and fruits. Did you know that every one in three bites of food is thanks to a pollinator?
Flowers produce seeds and fruits. Seeds and fruits are produced when a flower is pollinated. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of a flower. As plants can’t move around, they rely on other creatures to carry their pollen for them. Pollinators transport pollen between different flowers and make sure that flowers produce seeds and fruits. Did you know that every one in three bites of food is thanks to a pollinator?
Who are pollinated?
Did you know that many crops require pollination? Common crops in East Africa that benefit from pollination include avocado, coffee, cowpeas, eggplant, mangoes, pigeon peas, pumpkins, okra and tomatoes.