A Lurking Flower…

Have been watching some bees visiting wildflowers and trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to get a photo of one extremely beautiful and fast-flying bee – a long-tongued Amegilla bee with a shiny blue abdomen..

Beautiful and elusive Amegilla bee
Beautiful and elusive Amegilla bee

As I was waiting patiently for the bee, I noticed some of the flowers twitching. A closer look revealed this unbelievable master-of-disguise!

Can you spot the Flower Mantid?
Can you spot the Flower Mantid?

Here is a closer look at this creature who is the emperor of the tiny world on the flowers… Even the eyes, and the grappling-hook fore-legs are beautifully sculptured to fit in with the sinister illusion

Flower Mantid - Master-of-Disguise!
Flower Mantid - Master-of-Disguise!

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