Good news for bees!

Dear FriendsHello – many warm greetings from London. This is a very short and inadequate post to let you know that bees,hawkmoths and other overlooked but nonetheless important bugs havescored one for conservation today. By some miracle I’ve won one of the Whitley Awards for work withNature Kenya – The East Africa Natural History Society related toconservation of insects and sustainable agriculture. Attached is apicture of yours truly receiving the prize from HRH Princess Anne. Itwas amazing to meet her and lots of other really inspiring people fromall over the world (not least the other finalists). Many many thanks to all of you who Ifeel share in this award through your support and encouragement. Thanks to everyone for their help, kind thoughts and comments! All the bestDino hrh-and-dino-martins.jpg 

6 thoughts on “Good news for bees!”

  1. Congrats Dino on your win. LOL @ Joy, yes, your tie is a subtle nod to the award (that had your name all over it). Lookin good!

  2. Great Good accomplished achiever of all times. You have really done us(Insect lovers)Proud !!!Keep up the echo. Zacch .


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