There were a lot of ants scurrying about on other vegetation as well as the ant-acacias. This was one of the more striking species – wearing a fringing tutu of golden hairs! While fiddling with the camera I noticed a very STRANGE creature moving about on some herbs. A closer look revealed that it was a bizarre and wonderful Stalk-Eyed Fly. This group of flies incredibly have their eyes on the ends of long stalks! They are considered a fine example of sexual selection – where females are choosing mates based on the length of their stalks. The males sometimes go ‘eye-to-eye’ pushing each other back and forth like two sparring bulls. Later in the late hot afternoon as I sat in the sparse shade of an acacia I noticed a piece of dirt moving. On closer inspection it turned out to have eyes and legs – can you spot it in the picture below? A close look revelaed that it was a brilliantly camouflaged grasshopper… As I watched him, another grasshopper leapt out of a nearby clump and landed on the ground next to me. He wiggled his antennae at me as if to say “What about me – I’d like my picture taken too!” Of course, I obliged… After I took the picture he hopped back into the grass where he was much better concealed. More from the world of insects soon – thanks to everyone for the kind comments.
Amazing insects, again! Thank you so much for posting your fascinating photos 🙂
Dino, How marvelous. I continue to be fascinated by your posts – and brilliant photography. I am soaking in this info like nothing i have ever done. Some day you have to take me for a dudu walk. When I first went to Steve Turner’s place in Tsavo, insects used to freak me out, but after spending several months there, they started to fascinate me. I even kept bees, remember? Then I read Edward O Wilson’s books and I think I now love insect.
Keep posting these brilliant entries. I am enjoying them.
I’m enjoying your posts, too, even though I’m still freaked out by bugs.
Another series of fab photos. The ‘hopper’ almost looks like it’s carved out of wood.
Great series of posts on Kerio Valley. It looks like bug paradise!
I personally love the stalk-eyed fly Too wierd, and soo cool.
Amazing insects, I’m enjoying your posts!